The founder enjoyed a career in designing and implementing numerous financial systems at major corporations, including AT&T/Lucent Technologies. These projects were managed under the key success factors of customer satisfaction and the criticality of earning positive references and referrals. His career was and is strongly impacted by embracing principles of Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends and Influence People). Creating Legacy Backup and MyLegacyBackup, has been done in the spirit of giving back and helping others.
In building numerous financial systems, substantial experience was gained with Unclaimed Property, also known as Abandoned Property. Corporate experience also included fraud prevention. There was also significant first-hand personal experience with Identity Theft.
MyLegacyBackup is based on experiences of serving numerous family and friends in their time of need. In some cases this was formally as a Power of Attorney and/or Executor; in other situations, as a friend, providing assistance to the family during and after their difficult time.
In these experiences, a great appreciation was developed for good record-keeping in advance of the need. Over the years the model was developed and refined, and when it was realized that there was nothing to this extent generally available, it was decided to develop Legacy Backup and MyLegacyBackup to help others.
A byproduct of the subscription to MyLegacyBackup is continuous enhancement – as subscribers suggest new collection criteria, we incorporate these improvements into the overall user experience and make them available to everyone. By participating in our ongoing service, you not only reap the benefits of World-Class software, but maximize your experience due to subscriber collaboration. |